Richard Case

With over 30 years of experience, Richard H. Case is an expert in the field of high-tech market research. A former Gartner Vice President, Richard created PSP Enterprises to directly address the shortfalls in the industry. By using IT professionals and leveraging his own decades of knowledge, Richard H. Case has redefined market research in a way that leads to direct, actionable results.

"I was VP of the Vendor Win/Loss service at Gartner for seven years. Gartner used low cost interviewing companies around the world. I listened in on some of the interviews. The respondents actually got angry at the low level interviewers. Any answers obtained in such an interview, with the respondent angry, were worthless. I realized that low level interviewers could never get the kind of information we wanted.

"I went to my bosses at Gartner and said we needed to use IT experienced interviewers, preferably former IT executives, to conduct the interviews to get the right information. They said, 'Sure, but with Gartner’s cost structure and profit goals, we’ll have to charge $4-$5K per interview.' I left because I knew a business model could be created to use executive interviewers at a much more reasonable price."

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